• Gossen Metrawatt

Ready for anything with xDSL MultiTest

New Broadband Technologies

VDSL Vectoring technology is currently being pushed by network operators. VDSL allows for higher bandwidths compared to ADSL, but only at short distances up to 1,500 meters. For this reason, DSLAMs or ISAMs are shifted to the close range of the subscribers and are supplied with fibre. This is the first step towards the FTTH solution – „Fibre to the Home“ – which is still not widely used. The new VDSL2 Bandplan 35, also known as Vplus, achieves a doubling of the possible data rate over previous systems. Another technical solution to increase the data rate on the „last mile“ is provided by G.fast. Here, up to 1000 MBit/s are reached, but the maximum line length is 400 meters. The new  technologies require the use of a new generation of testing technology. The innovative xDSL MultiTest family does full Vectoring measurement, is prepared for DSL Bonding and GPON and can handle their testing tasks reliably in these environments without restrictions.  

The Advantage: KE3700 and KE3550 MultiTest Operating Concept

Fast multi-tasking operating

Waiting times or complicated and time-changing changes between single-testers and different menu items are a thing of the past thanks to the at-a-glance display. Operation the device using hotkeys and the keyboard allows for a quick change between parallel tests. The Multitesters can be operated like a PC, it can be scrolled between the windows with true multitasking functionality. Without the loss of the current synchronization with the PPP connection, further tests can be added. Thus a fast, uncomplicated and comprehensive diagnosis is guaranteed.  

KE-Manager software included

The supplied KE-Manager software is a flexible tool for working with the KE3700/KE3550, to download the measure-ments and for the creation of customized measurement reports. The user interface is clearly arranged and intuitive to use. Profiles can be created easily and edited in order to transfer them to the xDSL Multitesters. The optional LiveView function allows to transfer the current measurements from the tester to the Manager Software and look directly at the detailed test results on the PC. Extensive settings facilitates the evaluation of the results. The data can be stored and the detailed measurement reports conveniently printed.

Dialogue, Information and Actions: