• Gossen Metrawatt

Always Focused on Service: Safety Concept for Your E-Taxi Fleet

Always Focused on Service: Safety Concept for Your E-Taxi Fleet
An e-taxi accepts orders from the dispatcher and transports customers to their destination. The electric vehicle is heated in the winter and cooled in the summer for greater passenger comfort, thus reducing its driving range. A reliable fast-charging infrastructure is required in order to ensure smooth e-taxi operations regardless of weather and shift schedules both day and night. The charging points are not always located at the depot, but rather in public areas and are used by other e-vehicles as well. If a charging slot isn’t reserved in time, the e-taxi driver has to interrupt his trip and go to the next charging point, which may result in financial losses.

But this will soon be a thing of the past. The German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure’s new guideline, "Non-publicly accessible charging stations for electric vehicles – companies and municipalities", promotes the expansion of the charging infrastructure and is highly relevant for cab companies. Furthermore, new technologies such as inductive charging directly at the taxi stand offer promising prospects for efficient e-taxi operations in the future.

Although battery-powered e-taxis help to improve the quality of life in cities and reduce CO2 emissions, electric vehicles involve the risk of fire caused by faulty charging infrastructures.

As a fire prevention measure, standards-compliant functional testing of electric vehicles, battery storage systems and the charging infrastructure should be performed. Emphasis is focused on selecting the right measuring and test instruments to this end. As one of the world’s leading suppliers of measuring systems, Gossen Metrawatt offers an individualized safety concept for your e-taxi fleet with rugged, innovative test technology.


Always Focused on Service: Safety Concept for Your E-Taxi Fleet


Safety Concept for Your Electric Vehicles

Your Advantages at a Glance

Successful transportation operations

Electric vehicles are effectively protected against the risk of fire and can be operated safely on the road

Cost-saving approach

Battery status is checked for stable capacity and longer service life of the UPS system

Perfect timing

Safely recharged overnight for on-time, fault-free performance during the day


Beratung anfordern


Select the respective modules for your individualized safety concept

Safe E-Mobility

Safe E-Mobility
Testing of vehicles with electric drives

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Fail-Safe Power Supply

Fail-Safe Power Supply
Power quality testing

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Reliable Charging Infrastructure

Reliable Charging Infrastructure
Safety testing of charging points

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Safe E-Mobility
Testing of Vehicles with Electric Drives

Are you a car manufacturer who needs to verify that electric vehicles meet international electrical safety requirements in accordance with UN ECE-R100? Can you assure that all drive components are protected against short-circuits and that no potential danger exists for passengers or service personnel working on electrical components?

High-voltage safety is becoming increasingly important for the successful operation of electric vehicles, but it’s often not taken into consideration until it’s too late. Gossen Metrawatt has developed efficient solutions for testing the effectiveness of protective measures in electric vehicles in order to ensure safe work on vehicles with HV technology. The METRAHIT IM E-DRIVE BT measuring instrument makes it possible to detect malfunctions in vehicles at an early stage and ensure effective fire protection.

Safe E-Mobility



Product benefits:

  • Safety testing of high-voltage systems in accordance with UN ECE R100
  • Battery-powered for location-independent testing covering all aspects of electromobility
  • Color graphic display supports intuitive operation

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Reliable Charging Infrastructure

Fail-Safe Power Supply
Power Quality Testing

If you operate a large fleet of electric vehicles, you depend on an uninterrupted, fault-free supply of electrical power. You need to conduct power quality assessments in order to ensure interference-free e-mobility and to protect transportation operations from power outages and voltage dips. We recommend checking power quality at regular intervals in order to avoid power supply issues and to provide reliable transportation services. Continuous monitoring can prevent operational failures which may lead to significant financial losses.

Gossen Metrawatt offers the modern LINAX PQ1000 programmable power quality analyzer for examining energy consumption and grid status. The instrument permits continuous assessment of power quality in accordance with IEC 61000-4-30 edition 3 in class S. Acquired PQ events (voltage dips, voltage surges, voltage interruptions, RVCs, current surges and frequency fluctuations, homopolar voltage) serve to verify that faults have occurred as well as to search for the causes of faults in order to increase supply reliability.



Product benefits:

  • Mean power values with trend analysis for the avoidance of load peaks
  • Independent certification in accordance with IEC 62586-2 from the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS)
  • Events display via website with time zoom function and value readout

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Reliable Charging Infrastructure
Safety Testing of Charging Points

Performance requirements grow along with increasing numbers of vehicles in the e-vehicle fleet. Several electric vehicles must be charged at the same time. In addition to a consistently safe charging process, this also necessitates an effective load management system. Regardless of which charging technology is used – plug-in, pantograph or inductive – regular testing for electrical safety at charging stations is required. Compliance with legal and normative requirements is cost-saving and economical. Investing in specialized, top-quality test instruments pays off. Based on its expertise in the field of AC and DC power analysis, Gossen Metrawatt offers diagnostic testers for simulating the charging process. In combination with the PROFITEST MF XTRA and the PROFITEST PRIME, you can easily test and document the effectiveness of protective measures for electrical safety at AC/DC charging points.

Reliable Charging Infrastructure




Product benefits:

  • Simulation of operating states of electric vehicles at charging stations with optional adapter
  • Preconfigured and user-programmable test sequences
  • Standards-compliant testing in accordance with VDE, IEC and ZVEH
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Product benefits:

  • Quick access to measuring and test functions via rotary switch and softkeys
  • Efficient work thanks to predefined test sequences
  • Quick and easy generation of legally secure reports in accordance with ZVEH

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