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Item number: M527G

High-precision measuring probe for illuminance class B DIN 5032-7

The MAVOPROBE LUX 5032 B is classified according to class B DIN 5032-7, DIN EN 13032-1 appendix B and ISO/CIE 19476. It measures the intensity with which an area is illuminated in lux (lx) or foot-candle (fc).
  • High-precision measuring probe for illuminance class B DIN 5032-7
  • High-precision measuring probe for illuminance class B DIN 5032-7
  • High-precision measuring probe for illuminance class B DIN 5032-7
  • High-precision measuring probe for illuminance class B DIN 5032-7

Because of its high Class B accuracy, the MAVOPROBE LUX 5032 B is primarily used for certification and inspection applications. An additional measuring range with a high resolution of 0.001 lx enables the measurement of the lowest illuminance levels. This means that even emergency lighting can be measured excellently.

Product Highlights

  • Simple functional expansion with optional luminance attachment
  • Universal use as a measuring device or single- and multi-channel measuring system
  • Simple system integration, serial data transmission, open protocol
  • Self-sufficient calibration, low packaging effort and cost-effective shipping
  • Sustainable device concept, firmware update via USB interface
  • Optionally extendable connection cable and optional adapter for USB 2.0 plug A
  • Measuring device and calibration from a single source!
  • Technical characteristics


    • Measuring range: 0.001 lx ... 199990 lx
    • Accuracy: +/- 2.5% +/- 1 digit

    Luminance with optional luminance attachment M516G

    • Measuring range: 0.01 cd/m² ... 1,999,900 cd/m²
    • Accuracy: +/- 3.5% +/- 1 digit (paired) or +/- 5% +/- 1 digit (not assigned)


    • Measuring rate: 2 measurements / second
    • Connection cable: 1.5 m, pluggable
    • Supply: via MAVOMASTER or USB interface
    • Interface: USB 2.0 with optional USB adapter cable V074A



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